Addressing Barriers to Clozapine Underutilization
Presentation Slides
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This document is a presentation from an APA and SAMHSA Initiative on addressing barriers to the underutilization of clozapine, a medication used in the treatment of serious mental disorders. The presentation includes information on the Clinical Support System for Serious Mental Illness (CSS-SMI), the accreditation of physicians, and a presentation Q&A. It also provides information on the burden of schizophrenia and how it is treated, with a focus on the use of clozapine in treatment-resistant schizophrenia. The presentation discusses the effectiveness of clozapine and its place in treatment, as well as its potential utility for other disorders. It also highlights the side effects and risks associated with clozapine use. The presentation goes on to discuss the low utilization of clozapine in the United States, particularly among African-American patients. It identifies barriers to clozapine use, such as mandatory blood testing, fear of side effects, and difficulty in identifying suitable patients. The presentation concludes with recommendations for expanding clozapine use, including improving access to the medication, providing education and training, and developing centralized resources and treatment models. It emphasizes the need for a collaborative effort to improve the utilization of clozapine and improve outcomes for patients with serious mental illnesses.
serious mental disorders
Clinical Support System for Serious Mental Illness
physician accreditation
treatment-resistant schizophrenia
effectiveness of clozapine
side effects of clozapine
low utilization of clozapine
barriers to clozapine use
improving access to clozapine
Funding for SMI Adviser was made possible by Grant No. SM080818 from SAMHSA of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, SAMHSA/HHS or the U.S. Government.
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