Treatment and Risk Prediction: Clinical Informatic ...
Presentation Slides
Presentation Slides
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Pdf Summary
This document is a summary of a presentation on the topic of treatment and risk prediction using clinical informatics for serious mental illness (SMI). The presentation discusses the use of clinical informatics to improve weight management in individuals with SMI. It introduces eWellness, an interactive web-based system with peer coaching that helps people with mental illness self-manage their weight. The presentation describes the research design, which included a randomized controlled trial with three arms: eWellness, in-person groups, and usual care. Results showed that individuals using eWellness had greater weight loss compared to the other two groups.<br /><br />The presentation also discusses the use of predictive analytics for risk prediction in mental health. It specifically focuses on suicide risk prediction in the VA healthcare system, using clinical and administrative data to develop a model that can identify patients at the highest risk of suicide. The model has shown promising results in terms of accuracy and can help clinicians provide targeted interventions to those at the highest risk.<br /><br />Additionally, the presentation highlights the potential of predictive analytics in predicting health outcomes and how it can be used for care management and research purposes. It also discusses the future potential of predictive analytics in psychiatric assessment and treatment using big data and machine learning.<br /><br />The presentation concludes with information on resources for further information and education in the field of clinical informatics, including organizations, journals, conferences, fellowships, and certifications.<br /><br />Overall, the presentation emphasizes the importance of using clinical informatics and predictive analytics in the care of individuals with serious mental illness to improve outcomes and personalize treatment approaches.
clinical informatics
serious mental illness
risk prediction
weight management
predictive analytics
suicide risk prediction
VA healthcare system
health outcomes
Funding for SMI Adviser was made possible by Grant No. SM080818 from SAMHSA of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, SAMHSA/HHS or the U.S. Government.
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